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Travel Vlogger

From Vietnam to America: Crystal H. Vo is the Travel Vlogger You MUST Follow!

Travel vlogs are the hidden life stream of the internet age. The ability to connect with individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and personalities can be an exciting way to feel more global. When you can't leave the home or hop on a plane for a week, you can follow along with your favorite travel vlogger to have your own digital version of a road trip. Today, we want to talk a little bit about the writing of Crystal H. Vo, a passionate speaker and author from Da Nang, Vietnam.

Crystal H. Vo never dreamed of becoming a travel vlogger, nor did she think that she would become a published author. In 1985, Crystal fled Da Nang, Vietnam, with her family. As she left her home country behind, she would move to the United States where she would find a career in the Department of Public Social Services. Now far removed from her old life, Crystal H. Vo helps children, men, and women from every background you can imagine.

With a focus on helping people, it makes total sense that Crystal H. Vo would turn to her travel vlog to share her experiences. Someone with an international background has so much more to share with the world, especially through something as exciting as a road trip blog. Getting to dip your toes into different cultures, different countries, and different lifestyles can be an exciting and excellent way to learn about the world around you. While Crystal's adjustment to life in America was not easy, she frequently struggled with depression and homesickness, she would eventually find purpose through her skills as a writer.

When Crystal H. Vo isn't working on her travel vlogger skills, she is probably going to be focused on her work as a published author. Crystal has been writing since her late teenaged years and she seems only to be focused on getting better. Known for her work as a clear-voiced and plainly spoken poet, Crystal would go on to publish her first poetry book in 2013. Now, fans of Crystal can pick up Finding My Voice: A Journey of Hope on Amazon whenever they feel compelled.

While Crystal H. Vo set her sights on writing as a published author, her works as a poet are as impressive as her works as a travel vlog writer. Pulling people into your world to share a road trip through your memories, tastes, and other senses can feel almost like magic when it is done correctly. To learn more about what we mean, take a moment to subscribe to the travel vlog at Crystal H. Vo's website. With frequent updates and honest, beautiful material, you'll never find a better vlog to follow.

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